IT’S HOGAN VS WARRIOR II! I seemed to write that with a heap of enthusiasm and excitement but I really could not give a shit. WCW’s booking of this entire angle has been shocking and there has been more emphasis put on this match than the match everyone is actually buying this PPV for. Goldberg and DDP should have been the selling point but instead, Warrior and Hogan is listed as the ‘showcase’ but I just can’t get myself up for it.
The #1 in ring worker in WCW at that time, Billy Kidman (big call I know), is now the Cruiserweight champion and talk about putting on some classics. Has had great matches with Psicosis, Disco and Rey Misterio on Nitro and he will look to consolidate his position as the showcase of the division. And if you want to see some of the most outrageous television in the history of television, then check out the Chucky segments on Nitro. That’s right, a fictional doll was warning Rick Steiner not to mess with Scott Steiner as he is the lead in Chucky’s new film. Yeah, that bad...
Your commentators are Tony ‘IT’S A BELLY TO BELLY SUPLEX, NOT A SIDEWALK SLAM’ Schiavone, Mike Tenay and Bobby ‘The best colour commentator in wrestling history’ Heenan. They open up with talk on Hogan and how he smashed the fuck out of his nephew Horace Hogan.
Mene Gene calls out Rick Steiner but that is quickly interrupted with Buff Bagwell. Buff wants to be in the corner of Rick but he isn’t sure if he can trust him. Yeah, why would he? Anyways Rick accepts and we’re ready for our first PPV feature match of the night.
TV Title: Raven vs Chris Jericho (c)
Raven’s entrance music is the best thing going and Jericho is met with a huge pop for a man that is still meant to be a heel. Raven’s on the stick and states he wasn’t told of the match and wants no part of it but Jericho cuts some quality mic work and we’re underway.
Raven storms into the ring but is met with some fierce stomps on the mat before getting whipped with his own jacket. Raven is up and about early though, taking Jericho to the outside and front suplexing him on the steel steps and follows up with a dropkick. Jericho wants none of it and hangs Raven on the top rope to gain back the ascendancy before sending Raven to the floor with a springboard dropkick.
Back in the ring and Raven begins eating Jericho’s face off which is followed with a sleeperhold but NO GO, back to back suplex and senton gives Jericho the urge to head to the corner turnbuckle and expose the steel bolt. They begin trading blows in the corner, Jericho is attacked and met with a fierce powerbomb. Raven grabs the legs and catapults him into the bolt before taking him down for the near fall. That was excellently worked.
Both men on their feet and Jericho roles through to put on the Liontamer but Raven justtttttt reaches the ropes and breaks the hold. Jericho thinks he has the win but is met with a ‘continue on’ from the referee. Jericho tries to whip him into the ropes but out of nowhere hits with the EVEN FLOW DDT. 1-2-OUT AT TWO! Jericho gets back on top with a low blow before nailing him with a German suplex and picks up another near fall with the bridge. Kanyon is out on the apron and Raven is whipped right into his own man, turns around and goes for the Evenflow DDT again but not this time. Jericho turns his man and puts on the Liontamer for the submission win. (7:49)
Rating: **** - That was a great match and the whole thing was just so fluent. Raven has given me two back to back erections on PPV and I can say that this record will probably never be matched knowing WCW. Sure it was short but this was exciting as fuck, crowd was hot and the back and forth before the match was just awesome. Raven’s losing streak continues but I hope they actually take it somewhere storyline wise, not just write him off television.
Hogan is out with Eazy E. “I left my own blood, I left my only family in a pool of blood” BLAH BLAH BLAH. It was Hogan’s best segment on Nitro in months but please move along with the PPV. Raven and Jericho have got me pumped!
Disco Inferno vs Juventud Guerrera
The winner of this will get a title shot later on tonight against Kidman. Give me two Disco matches and I’ll be one happy man.
Disco wastes no time and goes straight after his man, nailing him with a side slam but only gets a near fall. Disco with a bit of intensity but doesn’t last long as Juvi nails him with a leg bulldog of some sort. Nice move! Inferno is up and charges at Juvi but sense him all the way to the outside before sliding through the ropes and hitting him with a head scissor. Back in the ring, and a quick atomic drop and clothesline combo puts Disco on top and then finishes it off by nailing him with an elbow drop from the second rope. Both men up and a quick exchange of reversals is finished with Juvi hitting a jumping hurricanrana but Disco hits back immediately and hangs him on the top rope. Finds Juvi ripe for the pickings and slams a spinning neck breaker as Disco finally gets the two count before the ten.
DISCO WITH THE MAKARINA! FOLLOWED BY THE GIANT SWING. HELL YES! AND THATS FOLLOWED WITH A DIZZY DROP ONTO JUVI’S PINA COLADA! HAHA! A fine series of events that is finished with a ‘ahhhh, ahhh my dick’ into the camera. Disco finds enough wrestling technique to pull out a suplex and head up top, only to be caught dancing. Juvi frankensteiners him back into the middle of the ring and is met with a spiralling, twisting, high risk manoeuvre that gets only 2. Guerrera quick to pounce with and get up on his shoulders but Disco slides him off and PILEDRIVER! 1-2-3! (9:39)
Rating: ***¼ - Another good match to begin this PPV and Disco worked this one very well. I love Heenan but he really did nothing to put either competitor over as a genuine chance to win the title off Kidman tonight, instead making a suggestion that Disco take a year off with a manager. This may have been said due to jealousy of Disco’s dance moves so I’ll let him off this time. Really solid stuff so far, can they keep it up?
Big Poppa Steroids is out and wants to make things interesting. Suggests Bagwell team up with Rick Steiner, while he’ll be teaming up with the Giant and the Tag Team titles will be on the line. If the titles change hands, we will get a one on one match between Rick and Scott later on. NICE!
Nitro Girls out again and fair to say we have seen them more than we have matches tonight.
Disco wastes no time and goes straight after his man, nailing him with a side slam but only gets a near fall. Disco with a bit of intensity but doesn’t last long as Juvi nails him with a leg bulldog of some sort. Nice move! Inferno is up and charges at Juvi but sense him all the way to the outside before sliding through the ropes and hitting him with a head scissor. Back in the ring, and a quick atomic drop and clothesline combo puts Disco on top and then finishes it off by nailing him with an elbow drop from the second rope. Both men up and a quick exchange of reversals is finished with Juvi hitting a jumping hurricanrana but Disco hits back immediately and hangs him on the top rope. Finds Juvi ripe for the pickings and slams a spinning neck breaker as Disco finally gets the two count before the ten.
DISCO WITH THE MAKARINA! FOLLOWED BY THE GIANT SWING. HELL YES! AND THATS FOLLOWED WITH A DIZZY DROP ONTO JUVI’S PINA COLADA! HAHA! A fine series of events that is finished with a ‘ahhhh, ahhh my dick’ into the camera. Disco finds enough wrestling technique to pull out a suplex and head up top, only to be caught dancing. Juvi frankensteiners him back into the middle of the ring and is met with a spiralling, twisting, high risk manoeuvre that gets only 2. Guerrera quick to pounce with and get up on his shoulders but Disco slides him off and PILEDRIVER! 1-2-3! (9:39)
Rating: ***¼ - Another good match to begin this PPV and Disco worked this one very well. I love Heenan but he really did nothing to put either competitor over as a genuine chance to win the title off Kidman tonight, instead making a suggestion that Disco take a year off with a manager. This may have been said due to jealousy of Disco’s dance moves so I’ll let him off this time. Really solid stuff so far, can they keep it up?
Big Poppa Steroids is out and wants to make things interesting. Suggests Bagwell team up with Rick Steiner, while he’ll be teaming up with the Giant and the Tag Team titles will be on the line. If the titles change hands, we will get a one on one match between Rick and Scott later on. NICE!
Nitro Girls out again and fair to say we have seen them more than we have matches tonight.
Cruiserweight Title: Disco Inferno vs Kidman (c)
Lots of back and forth action to begin this as both men trade blows with dropkicks, hair takedowns and flying head scissors! Disco bringing out the anger in Kidman and his overly keen attitude see’s a drop toe hold into the bottom rope by the Inferno. He follows it up with a spinning neckbreaker and a hard whip into the corner to gain the advantage. “Kidman, turn the music down, yes mum!” What the hell Disco?
Kidman moves to the top rope in the meantime and attempts a Guerrero frogsplash but eats the mat. Disco wastes no time in applying the sleeperhold but Kidman works his way back into it with strikes to the mid section and a huge clothesline! NICE! Disco sends him into the ropes, misses the elbow but picks him up and sends him face first into the mat for a near fall. Some sexy dance moves but wastes far too much time on the middle rope and this time misses the elbow. Kidman backs up this momentum change immediately with a powerslam but another two count ensues! Both men are back to their feet and Inferno goes for a powerbomb but like a cat, Kidman lands on his feet. Hell no says Disco and plants him with his jumping piledriver but can’t tie the man up for the pinfall. Finally get the cover on but Kidman is out at two!! Kidman goes with his running bulldog from the corner but miraculously turns it into a back to back. Front suplex and again we’re close to having a new Cruiserweight Champion. Fatal mistake, Disco goes for his second Makarina for the night, picks him up for the attempted powerbomb but the bulldog and shooting star press combination see’s Kidman retain. (10:49)
Rating: **½ – Rather slow for a Cruiserweight title match and perhaps having Disco wrestle in back to back matches wasn’t the best option. Still, they put on a pretty exciting match and Disco definitely got his fair share of offence in. I just somehow never believed he would walk away with the victory and to be honest, I’m glad he didn’t. Kidman is the shit!
Kidman moves to the top rope in the meantime and attempts a Guerrero frogsplash but eats the mat. Disco wastes no time in applying the sleeperhold but Kidman works his way back into it with strikes to the mid section and a huge clothesline! NICE! Disco sends him into the ropes, misses the elbow but picks him up and sends him face first into the mat for a near fall. Some sexy dance moves but wastes far too much time on the middle rope and this time misses the elbow. Kidman backs up this momentum change immediately with a powerslam but another two count ensues! Both men are back to their feet and Inferno goes for a powerbomb but like a cat, Kidman lands on his feet. Hell no says Disco and plants him with his jumping piledriver but can’t tie the man up for the pinfall. Finally get the cover on but Kidman is out at two!! Kidman goes with his running bulldog from the corner but miraculously turns it into a back to back. Front suplex and again we’re close to having a new Cruiserweight Champion. Fatal mistake, Disco goes for his second Makarina for the night, picks him up for the attempted powerbomb but the bulldog and shooting star press combination see’s Kidman retain. (10:49)
Rating: **½ – Rather slow for a Cruiserweight title match and perhaps having Disco wrestle in back to back matches wasn’t the best option. Still, they put on a pretty exciting match and Disco definitely got his fair share of offence in. I just somehow never believed he would walk away with the victory and to be honest, I’m glad he didn’t. Kidman is the shit!
Tag Team Titles: Buff Bagwell and Rick Steiner vs Scott Steiner and Giant (c)
Giant is out puffing on a dart again.
Scott wants Giant to start things off against his brother and begins with a massive slap across the chest. Giant softens him up some more before tagging Big Poppa Roids in and keeps him floored on the mat with numerous strikes. Sends Rick into the ropes but he ducks the clothes line and an atomic drop puts him back on top. Begins striking Scott in the corner but Scott has an atomic drop of his own. Rick no sells and elbow drops him on the mat before looking over at Buff who wants in. They make the tag and go for a double clothesline and BUFF BAGWELL TURNS ON RICK STEINER! OMG WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGH THAT?
Buff is out of here and Scott Steiner kicks Rick in the groin for good measure. That is honestly the 4th hit taken to Rick’s groin in the first 4 minutes of the match. I'm not sure he is going to be left with a penis after this which would then effectively make him the bitch faced gremlin, Rick Steiner.
Anyways, Scott tags the Giant back in to do some more damage and pulls Rick up from numerous pinfall attempts. The commentators begin to question if Judy Bagwell is involved in all this. Knowing WCW, it isn’t beyond them. Scott Steiner slams him into the turnbuckles and Rick begins the fightback! What stops this runaway train? Thats right, another low blow! Scott signals to the Giant and OMG, GIANT HEADS TO THE TOP AND NAILS HIS OWN MAN WITH 552 LBS OF MISSILE DROPKICK! Rick clotheslines the Giant three times and STEINER BULLDOG for NEW TAG TEAM CHAMPION/S! (8:24)
Rating: **¾ – Would it be wrong of me to say I actually enjoyed this? This was awesome, from Rick Steiner looking like he was down and out to fighting back and winning the titles on his own. Crowd popped huge when Giant launched off the top and when Rick got the pinfall. This isn’t over yet...
Scott wants Giant to start things off against his brother and begins with a massive slap across the chest. Giant softens him up some more before tagging Big Poppa Roids in and keeps him floored on the mat with numerous strikes. Sends Rick into the ropes but he ducks the clothes line and an atomic drop puts him back on top. Begins striking Scott in the corner but Scott has an atomic drop of his own. Rick no sells and elbow drops him on the mat before looking over at Buff who wants in. They make the tag and go for a double clothesline and BUFF BAGWELL TURNS ON RICK STEINER! OMG WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGH THAT?
Buff is out of here and Scott Steiner kicks Rick in the groin for good measure. That is honestly the 4th hit taken to Rick’s groin in the first 4 minutes of the match. I'm not sure he is going to be left with a penis after this which would then effectively make him the bitch faced gremlin, Rick Steiner.
Anyways, Scott tags the Giant back in to do some more damage and pulls Rick up from numerous pinfall attempts. The commentators begin to question if Judy Bagwell is involved in all this. Knowing WCW, it isn’t beyond them. Scott Steiner slams him into the turnbuckles and Rick begins the fightback! What stops this runaway train? Thats right, another low blow! Scott signals to the Giant and OMG, GIANT HEADS TO THE TOP AND NAILS HIS OWN MAN WITH 552 LBS OF MISSILE DROPKICK! Rick clotheslines the Giant three times and STEINER BULLDOG for NEW TAG TEAM CHAMPION/S! (8:24)
Rating: **¾ – Would it be wrong of me to say I actually enjoyed this? This was awesome, from Rick Steiner looking like he was down and out to fighting back and winning the titles on his own. Crowd popped huge when Giant launched off the top and when Rick got the pinfall. This isn’t over yet...
Rick Steiner vs Scott Steiner
Scott is complaining that the count was too fast as he heads to the back but Rick wants none of it and goes right after his man. Slides him back in the ring and Scott begs for mercy which is met with a “SMACK HIM IN THE MOUTH” from Schiavone. He doesn’t hesitate and whacks him in the gob for some sweet sweet justice.
Quiz to all: What manoeuvre does Scott Steiner use to get back into the match up? A: Kiss B: Low Blow C: Foot Stomp D: Hair Colour. If you guessed anything other than B then you are a complete fool. Scott then nails him with a T-Bone suplex before positioning him on the middle rope for some Kevin Nash work. Sends Rick into the ropes, misses the clothesline and quality Heenan “Big Poppa Plants him” Belly to belly suplex but this only gains a near victory. Vision cuts to the outside where a Bill Clinton masked man in a suit is laying out WCW security before entering the ring and laying out Rick and the referee with the slapjack. It’s revealed as Buff again. He grabs the refs arm and makes the count but Rick is out at 2! Scott takes him up top and frankensteiner but again only a two count!! They pick him up, attempt the double clothesline but boom, Scott is laid out. Bagwell is hung up on the top rope before going to the corner and STEINER BULLDOG! 1-2-3! (7:24)
Rating: *½ – I didn’t enjoy this at all and kind of wished they’d have called it off after the Tag Title match and saved this for World War 3. They wasn’t ant rhythm, little emotion after the initial match but the ending was quite good. I for one am glad to see this feud finally done with. Who will Rick choose as his tag team partner?
Scott is looking/acting seriously drunk and I have no idea what to expect with this. Scott makes the move instantly and throws his Ice Tea straight into Big Sexy’s face as things go to the floor. Slams him into the ring post, belts him over the head with a microphone before choking him with a camera cord. Hall leaves him layin’ and jumps on the mic for some ‘Hey Yo!’ action.
Nash wants to continue and makes his way into the ring as this one continues. Hall immediately begins laying into him again as we get a grand total of one wrestling move in this period, a powerslam. BUT HERE’S THE FIGHTBACK! More strikes send Scott to the outside before he makes his way back in for some more back and forth strikes. “This has been one for the ages on sheer brutality”. Ahhhh, no thankyou Mr Tenay.
Anyways Scott tries to fight back from his knees but there is just no power. Nash big boot and Jackknife Powerbombs him. Say’s he’ll have another and powerbombs him one more time before walking out and giving Scott the win via count out.
Rating: *¾ – The ending and the result of the match is exactly how it should have ended. It really wasn’t about pulling a win but make it come across as a ‘beat some sense into him’ type of match. This just went far too long though and involved nothing but strikes when it definitely could have been done a heap better.
Quiz to all: What manoeuvre does Scott Steiner use to get back into the match up? A: Kiss B: Low Blow C: Foot Stomp D: Hair Colour. If you guessed anything other than B then you are a complete fool. Scott then nails him with a T-Bone suplex before positioning him on the middle rope for some Kevin Nash work. Sends Rick into the ropes, misses the clothesline and quality Heenan “Big Poppa Plants him” Belly to belly suplex but this only gains a near victory. Vision cuts to the outside where a Bill Clinton masked man in a suit is laying out WCW security before entering the ring and laying out Rick and the referee with the slapjack. It’s revealed as Buff again. He grabs the refs arm and makes the count but Rick is out at 2! Scott takes him up top and frankensteiner but again only a two count!! They pick him up, attempt the double clothesline but boom, Scott is laid out. Bagwell is hung up on the top rope before going to the corner and STEINER BULLDOG! 1-2-3! (7:24)
Rating: *½ – I didn’t enjoy this at all and kind of wished they’d have called it off after the Tag Title match and saved this for World War 3. They wasn’t ant rhythm, little emotion after the initial match but the ending was quite good. I for one am glad to see this feud finally done with. Who will Rick choose as his tag team partner?
Scott Hall vs Kevin Nash
Nash wants to continue and makes his way into the ring as this one continues. Hall immediately begins laying into him again as we get a grand total of one wrestling move in this period, a powerslam. BUT HERE’S THE FIGHTBACK! More strikes send Scott to the outside before he makes his way back in for some more back and forth strikes. “This has been one for the ages on sheer brutality”. Ahhhh, no thankyou Mr Tenay.
Anyways Scott tries to fight back from his knees but there is just no power. Nash big boot and Jackknife Powerbombs him. Say’s he’ll have another and powerbombs him one more time before walking out and giving Scott the win via count out.
Rating: *¾ – The ending and the result of the match is exactly how it should have ended. It really wasn’t about pulling a win but make it come across as a ‘beat some sense into him’ type of match. This just went far too long though and involved nothing but strikes when it definitely could have been done a heap better.
US Title: Bret Hart (c) vs Sting
Bret refuses to get into the ring for the early parts but Sting has had enough and after him. Begins using the rails to his advantage and finally gets Hart back into the ting. Atomic drop and numerous strikes in the corner have him firmly on top but Hart bounces back quickly to take control with an atomic drop of his own. Honestly, I haven’t seen so many men hit each other in the groin.
Well Hart performs his signature side Russian legsweep and attempts a variation of a dropkick but is caught by Sting and goes for the Scorpion Deathlock but Hart makes it to the ropes. Sring begins a beatdown and sends Hart into the ropes but on the leap frog attempt, Hart fakes having a knee injury once again. The referee removes Sting from the corner but Bret goes straight into the tights to find a foreign object. Goes for the attempted strike but is floored with a clothesline before dropping it on the ground. Sting has the object in his hand and attempts a strike of his own but is caught by the referee and low blowed at the same time. Make that crotch shot number 364!
Well Sting continues to get pantsed on the apron before Billy Silverman is once again getting involved. Sting thinks it is Hart behind him but nails Billy as we have the first (and perhaps not the last) ref bump of the evening. Hart adds a leg drop of his own as thing heads up top and a huge superplex right across the refs legs have all three men floored. Sting is up and goes for the signature stinger splash but hits his head on the ring post. Hart goes for the bat and waffles him 6-8 times before driving it into his throat from the second rope. Hart revives the ref and puts the sharpshooter on for the submission win and finishes off the stretcher job! (15:04)
Rating: **¼ – WCW are really trying to push Hart as a mega heel but why do they insist on the Hogan like tactics. Hart is a great heel when working on his own agenda and what the fuck is with giving Sting time off with the stretcher job ending? Didn’t he have time off for, oh I dunno, a whole year in 1997? This should have been a ripping match but was quite mediocre by both mens standards.
Well Hart performs his signature side Russian legsweep and attempts a variation of a dropkick but is caught by Sting and goes for the Scorpion Deathlock but Hart makes it to the ropes. Sring begins a beatdown and sends Hart into the ropes but on the leap frog attempt, Hart fakes having a knee injury once again. The referee removes Sting from the corner but Bret goes straight into the tights to find a foreign object. Goes for the attempted strike but is floored with a clothesline before dropping it on the ground. Sting has the object in his hand and attempts a strike of his own but is caught by the referee and low blowed at the same time. Make that crotch shot number 364!
Well Sting continues to get pantsed on the apron before Billy Silverman is once again getting involved. Sting thinks it is Hart behind him but nails Billy as we have the first (and perhaps not the last) ref bump of the evening. Hart adds a leg drop of his own as thing heads up top and a huge superplex right across the refs legs have all three men floored. Sting is up and goes for the signature stinger splash but hits his head on the ring post. Hart goes for the bat and waffles him 6-8 times before driving it into his throat from the second rope. Hart revives the ref and puts the sharpshooter on for the submission win and finishes off the stretcher job! (15:04)
Rating: **¼ – WCW are really trying to push Hart as a mega heel but why do they insist on the Hogan like tactics. Hart is a great heel when working on his own agenda and what the fuck is with giving Sting time off with the stretcher job ending? Didn’t he have time off for, oh I dunno, a whole year in 1997? This should have been a ripping match but was quite mediocre by both mens standards.
Hollywood Hogan vs The Warrior
Hogan finally makes his way into the ring after an eternity on the outside before they exchange arm locks which, guess what, sends Hogan back to the outside. They lock up once again and Hogan muscles him into the corner and drives the knee into the throat. And oh my goodness, its the finger squasher of death submission manoeuvre in the centre of the ring. But wait, Warrior is reversing it and applying some squash of his own! REMARKABLE COMEBACK! Spare me!
Both men begin criss crossing into the ropes as Hogan powerslams Warrior but it’s no sold and Warrior floors Hogan with some of his own stuff. Warrior sends Hogan into the ropes, Hogan jumps over the Warrior and sloppily gives us another ref bump before stealing Bret Hart’s sheepish tactics and driving the knee in for good measure. Poor Nick Patrick. The Giant makes his way to the ring and attempts a big boot but again strikes his own man and that ends a rather poor night for the Giant.
Hogan gets the belt off and strikes the Warrior with some deadly shots before attempting the ELBOW DROP OF DEATH but misses out. Warrior goes for the belt and begins dishing out some of his own treatment for back warts before striking him down for a deadly strike. Yes, I am saying deadly alot. But that’s a story for another day folks.
AND WE HAVE THE BOTCHED WARRIOR FACE GRILL that has the crowd gasping in disbelief. Or maybe the fact they have no idea what just happened would have something to do with it. What a farce this is. We are now met with Warrior double axe handles as Hogan is cut open. Hogan loves blood and fights back with a powerslam and LEG DROP OF DEATH. Looks to the ramp and catches one Horace Hogan waltzing to the ring with a steel chair in hand. Attempts another leg drop but gets nothing but mat as Warrior begins hulking up. Bischoff grabs the ref as Horace Hogan makes his way in and wallops Warrior in the back with a horrible chair shot. 1-2-3 (14:20) They begin spraying Warrior with lighter fluid and I am actually disappointed that didn’t go down.
This takes the cake, worst match of all time and I can announce that we have our first 5 point Cornette head match rating. This was the worst thing I have ever seen in a wrestling ring. Warrior shouldn't be seen in the company again after that (and he wasn't) while Hollywood Hogan took absolutely no responsibility for this and was gifted a World Title two months later. Sounds like horseshit doesnt it? I’ll say it again, Hogan created the company with his heel turn and is now killing it ever so slowly with his backstage pull. Thank the lord this was not the main event.
I don’t really know what to expect in this one. Goldberg has barely had a match hit the 8 minute mark and DDP can go in the ring but I have doubts they’ll make it work together. Let’s see what happens.
DDP wastes no time and gets straight into Goldberg’s face but is pushed off into the corner with ease three straight times. DDP then takes him down with an arm drag and dares Goldberg to come at him, where he obliges and both men are taken to the outside. NICE! And then I see some ridiculous athleticism from a man of Goldberg’s size as he back flips completely before getting leg dragged again. INCREDIBLE!
DDP then goes after some shoulder blocks, realizes they have absolutely no effect and attempts the Diamond Cutter out of nowhere but is thrown off with ease. DDP then uses the ropes to his advantage and stuns him with the top rope before a swinging neck breaker fetches him a close near fall. Page with the fast strikes and a Russian leg sweep again barely gets a one count. Goldberg straight back up to his feet and picks him up easily and a side walk slam gains Goldberg his first near pinfall of the evening. A standing sidekick put Page into the corner and GOLDBERG GOES FOR THE SPEAR and hits the ring post. Big moment! Page heads up top and a diving clothesline gains Page another near fall. Goldberg sends him into the ropes and picks him up with one arm but looks like DDP got him with a DDT which just sails completely over commentaries head. Page signals for the Diamond Cutter but SPEAR! No jackhammer immediately though as the shoulder is in a world of pain but finally attempts to pick him but Page slides out the back AND DIAMOND CUTTER. ITS THE DIAMOND CUTTER! Finally gets across for the pin 1-2-NO! Page makes the fatal mistake of going for a suplex and JACKHAMMER! 1-2-3 (10:28) Sportsmanship triumphs after the match.
Rating: **** - Fuck what was I thinking? Doubts? What doubts? That was the best main event WCW has had in a long long time and all credit to these two. DDP looks like a champion even though he doesn’t walk out of there with the belt and Goldberg looks like he can now be defeated. This was so much more than a good match and these possibilities can lead WCW into the right direction. TOP TOP STUFF!
Hogan finally makes his way into the ring after an eternity on the outside before they exchange arm locks which, guess what, sends Hogan back to the outside. They lock up once again and Hogan muscles him into the corner and drives the knee into the throat. And oh my goodness, its the finger squasher of death submission manoeuvre in the centre of the ring. But wait, Warrior is reversing it and applying some squash of his own! REMARKABLE COMEBACK! Spare me!
Both men begin criss crossing into the ropes as Hogan powerslams Warrior but it’s no sold and Warrior floors Hogan with some of his own stuff. Warrior sends Hogan into the ropes, Hogan jumps over the Warrior and sloppily gives us another ref bump before stealing Bret Hart’s sheepish tactics and driving the knee in for good measure. Poor Nick Patrick. The Giant makes his way to the ring and attempts a big boot but again strikes his own man and that ends a rather poor night for the Giant.
Hogan gets the belt off and strikes the Warrior with some deadly shots before attempting the ELBOW DROP OF DEATH but misses out. Warrior goes for the belt and begins dishing out some of his own treatment for back warts before striking him down for a deadly strike. Yes, I am saying deadly alot. But that’s a story for another day folks.
AND WE HAVE THE BOTCHED WARRIOR FACE GRILL that has the crowd gasping in disbelief. Or maybe the fact they have no idea what just happened would have something to do with it. What a farce this is. We are now met with Warrior double axe handles as Hogan is cut open. Hogan loves blood and fights back with a powerslam and LEG DROP OF DEATH. Looks to the ramp and catches one Horace Hogan waltzing to the ring with a steel chair in hand. Attempts another leg drop but gets nothing but mat as Warrior begins hulking up. Bischoff grabs the ref as Horace Hogan makes his way in and wallops Warrior in the back with a horrible chair shot. 1-2-3 (14:20) They begin spraying Warrior with lighter fluid and I am actually disappointed that didn’t go down.

World Heavyweight Title: DDP vs Goldberg (c)
I don’t really know what to expect in this one. Goldberg has barely had a match hit the 8 minute mark and DDP can go in the ring but I have doubts they’ll make it work together. Let’s see what happens.
DDP wastes no time and gets straight into Goldberg’s face but is pushed off into the corner with ease three straight times. DDP then takes him down with an arm drag and dares Goldberg to come at him, where he obliges and both men are taken to the outside. NICE! And then I see some ridiculous athleticism from a man of Goldberg’s size as he back flips completely before getting leg dragged again. INCREDIBLE!
DDP then goes after some shoulder blocks, realizes they have absolutely no effect and attempts the Diamond Cutter out of nowhere but is thrown off with ease. DDP then uses the ropes to his advantage and stuns him with the top rope before a swinging neck breaker fetches him a close near fall. Page with the fast strikes and a Russian leg sweep again barely gets a one count. Goldberg straight back up to his feet and picks him up easily and a side walk slam gains Goldberg his first near pinfall of the evening. A standing sidekick put Page into the corner and GOLDBERG GOES FOR THE SPEAR and hits the ring post. Big moment! Page heads up top and a diving clothesline gains Page another near fall. Goldberg sends him into the ropes and picks him up with one arm but looks like DDP got him with a DDT which just sails completely over commentaries head. Page signals for the Diamond Cutter but SPEAR! No jackhammer immediately though as the shoulder is in a world of pain but finally attempts to pick him but Page slides out the back AND DIAMOND CUTTER. ITS THE DIAMOND CUTTER! Finally gets across for the pin 1-2-NO! Page makes the fatal mistake of going for a suplex and JACKHAMMER! 1-2-3 (10:28) Sportsmanship triumphs after the match.
Rating: **** - Fuck what was I thinking? Doubts? What doubts? That was the best main event WCW has had in a long long time and all credit to these two. DDP looks like a champion even though he doesn’t walk out of there with the belt and Goldberg looks like he can now be defeated. This was so much more than a good match and these possibilities can lead WCW into the right direction. TOP TOP STUFF!
PPV Rating: ****½
What a fucking magnificent PPV WCW put on. This would be in the upper echelon of best PPV’s of all time if it weren’t for the Hogan/Warrior match-up and its a shame as this was a great event. I refuse to give this an *****, as much as I want to for obvious reasons but credit to the Cruiserweights, Raven/Jericho and Goldberg/DDP. I also thoroughly enjoyed the Rick Steiner aspects of the show and I definitely recommend anyone who hasn’t seen this to give it a crack. It’s probably one you’d be able to pick up in three years time and watch again.
Thumbs up.
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